Adventure Wheels

Your bike is your home when you're out in the back country on a multi-day adventure... you need wheels you can rely on. Our adventure offerings balance light weight and responsiveness with durability and strength for wheels you can trust.

A fully loaded bike requires a fully durable wheelset which doesn't compromise on performance.

Rim Material:

Tyre Size:

Carbon or Alloy


Lightweight, fast and adventurous for long days out in the backcountry. This wheelset prioritises weight and performance.

Rim Material:

Tyre Size:

Carbon or Alloy


Looking for just a front wheel with a
high-performing SON dynamo hub to power
your ride?

Rim Material:

Tyre Size:

Carbon or Alloy


Adventure Ride Stories

Andrew's bikepacking gear top tips

Since writing about his TA experience, Andrew’s fielded a lot of questions about gear choices. Here’s his insight into themes that informed his choices

Nil's Further Race Report

For Sale. Pair of legs. Slightly used. Well, that was quite the weekend. Friday morning 9am sharp saw the start off for Further Truth, a 500km / 16000 vert hike-a-bike race through the Pyrenees. It soon became apparent that this was not any ordinary race or adventure. Camille, the race organiser, had been working for over…

Jake's Adventures in Nydia Bay

Nydia Bay had been on my list of trails to ride for some time. A lot of friends had ridden and raved about it – although not in the conditions we rode it in though!

Andrew's Tour Aotearoa

Tour Aotearoa is as much a mental and emotional journey as it is a physical challenge. Andrew’s write up shares the highs and lows of his experiences on the TA.

Want to chat about options?

Connect with one of our specialists about what build suits you best.